19 Jan. 22
How To Find Your Septic Tank Location
If you’re like most people, you enjoy sitting on your back patio or porch and admiring the scenery rather than trying to figure out where your septic tank is.
However, knowing where your septic tank is located can help you schedule routine sewer line cleanouts and maintenance. Continue reading to find out how to locate your septic tank.
Table of Contents
Stick to the Main Sewer Line.
Purchase a soil probe that you can use to locate the buried sewer line and septic tank. Look for the main sewer line that leads to your septic tank in your basement or crawl space. Look for a pipe with a diameter of about four inches that leads away from your house. Remember where the sewer pipe is and where it exits your home so you can find it outside. The sewer pipes will lead to the location of your septic tank. You can also try to follow the approximate route of your pipes with a drain snake.
Insert the thin metal probe every two feet into the soil to locate and follow the sewer lines. Most states require septic tanks to be at least five feet away from the house, with many tanks being 10 to 25 feet away, so you may need to probe a little further out before hitting the tank.
Examine Your Property
Imperfections in the landscape can sometimes reveal the location of your septic tank. Septic tanks are typically installed in such a way that they are barely noticeable. Dips in the soil or small hills, on the other hand, may indicate a buried septic tank.
If the dips or hills are within five to twenty-five feet of your property, use your soil probe to locate the septic tank. Because most septic tanks are six inches to four feet underground, make sure you probe the soil deeply enough.
You want to hit something hard, such as flat concrete or fiberglass.
Keep an eye out for the septic lid as you inspect your property. With your metal soil probe, you should be able to locate the septic tank cover. These are typically at or just below ground level.
Your septic tank is unlikely to be located beneath any of the following:
- surfaces with paving
- Unique landscaping
- If you have a water well, use it.
If you’re still having trouble locating your septic system, you can ask your neighbors where their septic tank is located on their property. Knowing how far away their septic systems are from you can help you figure out where yours is in your yard.
Examine the Property Records
Are you unsure how to obtain this? Simply contact your county’s health department! Check with your local health department to see if they have a septic tank map and a property survey map.
You might be surprised to learn that there are numerous ways to obtain information about your property without ever leaving the comfort of your own home.
Building permits, for example, are frequently included in county records, and may include diagrams with dimensions on how far away from a septic tank one should be, as well as other helpful information such as size, etc.
Unfortunately, this information may or may not be included in the property records of older homes. However, most counties keep septic tank installation records for all addresses.
You can also look through your home inspection paperwork or the house deed to determine the location of your septic tank.
Do Not Attempt to Repair Septic Tank Issues Yourself
Septic tank problems should be left to the professionals. Once you’ve found the septic tank, call The Original Plumber so we can perform routine maintenance or assess any problems like blocked drains exeter. Don’t open the septic tank lid because toxic fumes can be harmful to your health. Falling into an open septic tank can cause serious injury or even death. While knowing how to locate your septic tank is useful, it is also important to be aware of the health risks associated with opening the tank.